Veterinary Truths and Myths- Rat Poison

Daily I am amazed at the information that the public takes as truth. Misinformation comes from numerous sources (internet, pet store 'experts', old wives tales). While sometimes these sources can be correct and give helpful information. BE WEARY. It can be deadly.

I can recall two recent cases in which owners had known their dog has ingested a rodenticide, aka rat or mouse poison. They had misinformation that could have been deadly to their dog.

Betty's* owners are a farm couple in their late 60's who had been told by their parents that if dogs ate poison they would not get sick because they were able to vomit and rodents could not. MYTH!!

Tag's* owner, Judy* also in her 60's had put poison in the corner months prior to Tag finding it. The owner knew that Tag had found it, but the 'internet said' to make Tag vomit  and she would be okay. Judy tried to induce vomitting, but Tag never did. The next morning, Judy noted Tag's stool was not bloody but instead green( the trademark color of poison). She believed that since there was no blood, Tag was okay. MYTH!!!!

Both these dogs eventually started to bleed internally and needed blood transfusions with clotting factors. I can honestly say, and even told the owner, that Betty was heading for the light. Scared me!!! Rodenticides prevent blood from clotting DAYS to WEEKS after ingestion. They look normal until a small bump even less causing bleeding wont stop. The blood has no clotting ability. Some dogs have bloody stools, others bloody nose, and sometimes no external bleeding but heavy breathing and pale gums only.

Those of us that have degrees in veterinary medicine have the truth and the knowledge. If your dog gets into poison (or has any other problem), CALL AN EXPERT! CALL THE VET!! We have medication to prevent bleeding if we start it early enough!

I hate to see 'my dogs' sick. I want you to have the knowledge to prevent problems that we may or may not be able to fix.

Take Home Truth------

Rat Poison Kills Dogs!!

Don't Put Poison anywhere a Dog can Get!!

If you know a dog ate poison, Call sooner rather than when they are

acting lethargic or bleeding.

Also spread the word. Debunk the myth and inform the misinformed!!


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